5 Popular Artists to Keep an Eye On

What is art? That’s a good question. It’s a word so subjective. It’s impossible to pinpoint. But it’s also a question that’s been asked since the beginning of time, and for a good reason: there are artworks, and there are artworks. They’re synonymous. The answer is not so simple.   Finding a definition for art is like finding a needle […]

Publishing Rights: How Do They Get Split?

Publishing rights in the music industry are created with the intention to give musicians/songwriters a way to generate income. The publishing rights can be contributed for profit-sharing, royalties, or management fees. A number of factors and circumstances are considered when determining the amount of publishing rights that a songwriter owns, including the level of the songwriter’s success in album sales […]

10 Best Entry Level DSLR Cameras in 2020

DSLRs are the gold standard in the world of photography. They are the most versatile, feature-rich cameras in the market, which is why many hobby photographers choose to invest in them in order to expand their photography skills. This is why it’s so important to have a good entry-level DSLR that can produce high-quality images for your portfolio. To help […]

Choosing Your First Guitar

So, you want to learn how to play guitar? Guitars are an important part of many people’s lives. There are different types, styles, and colors of guitars that cater to different personalities and preferences. Not everyone knows what they need to know before they purchase a guitar. Some people might be able to read the manual or talk to a […]

Ten Things They Don’t Teach You In Art School

If you’re going to be a professional artist, you need to know how to do more than just draw and paint. For us art students, the best artists are those who can do the most with the least. Art students need to learn a whole lot more than just drawing. A lot of elements are left out of the syllabus, […]

Finding The Mood in a Scene

We capture a lot of moments on our cameras: parties, weddings, family reunions, and many others. But how do you capture that feeling at the moment? Why do some photos have a sense of mood while others don’t? Find that Mood Photography is great art, but it is often hard to capture the mood in a scene. Yes, you can […]

The Must-Have Accessories to Keep As A Photographer

Nothing sums up a new year like a new set of must-have accessories. As photographers, having items on hand for our shoots and to style or models is important. Plus, no matter how you like to dress, there’s no denying that new accessories can make any outfit pop. Whether you’re planning to break out new jewelry, add some color to […]

5 Must-Haves for Your Home Recording Studio

Even though home recording was once a niche market, it has now become the mainstream. The demand for quality audio continues to increase. There are many things that you will need to set up a studio for your home recording. And not just any setup will do, you have to consider many factors that can make or break your studio. […]

Things To Do Before You Release Your Music Online

You’ve finally completed your masterpiece and waiting for it to be released online, but before you hit ‘publish,’ you should remember these things. You might start to worry about how people will react to your music or what the general public thinks of it. It’s natural for artists to have some insecurities when releasing their music online. However, it’s important […]